Revolutionary Bait Tank Treatment

Extend the life of your Shad and Blueback Herring with Shad Magic. Our revolutionary treatment will extend the life of your bait up to 3 days and is made with FDA approved ingredients that are safe for consumption.

Shad Magic is my go to additive when I’m going after the big ones. You’ll be surprised at how well this works. By the days end, if you have any bait left in your tank, you’ll have to chase them with your dip net to throw them back. It’s really magic!

Captain Doug Nelms, Big Fisheads Guide Service

One of the biggest challenges here and Oconee is keeping your threadfin shad alive for your trip. I tried shad magic and it’s by far the best additive for your bait tank.
I have a 30 gallon tank with filtration and aeration.  I simply had one pack of shad magic to my tank filled with well water the day before my trip.
I met my shower at 3 AM, and when shad magic it last until two or 3 PM.
If you were going to use live bait for stripers and hybrids, shad magic is a must have. 
I don’t do trips without it, this stuff works!

Captain Wayne Moore, Oconee On The Fly, Inc.

I could never keep shad alive until I found Shad Magic. I've tried many options including home remedies and nothing seemed to work. Now my bait is alive all day while I'm out fishing and I even have bait still alive that I can throw back unto the water. You won't regret using this!

Adrian Williams, Avid Angler